
WiFi Installation

Now that you have successfully installed your TOUCH Light Switch please follow these simple instructions so that you can control your light switch remotely from your mobile device. You must know your Wi-Fi network name and password to complete TOUCH set up.

1. Go to the Google Play Store on your mobile device.

2. Install and open the TOUCH by SierraLingo App.

3. Register and/or Login.

4. Click +Touch at the bottom of the App to add your TOUCH Light Switch.

5. Connect your TOUCH Light Switch to your home Wi-Fi network (WiFi and Location Services are enabled).

5.1. Connect your TOUCH Light Switch to your home Wi-Fi network (WiFi is disabled).

6. Enter network password and click Setup Device.

7. Wait for the Touch device to connect. This can take up to a minute.

8. Label your device and click Add.